Envite's page

Castellano (Default) | English

Envite's appearances in Las Palmas radio station Cadena SER, in the program El Club de las Seis

Format mp3, spanish language:
December 17th, 2003:
Qué es Internet (What Internet is)
7,208,460 bytes
January 7th, 2004:
Qué es el Software Libre (What the Free Software is)
3,582,327 bytes
January 14th, 2004:
Buscadores (Search engines)
4,219,296 bytes
January 21st, 2004:
Servicios de la Internet: web, FTP, correo electrónico y chat (Internet services: web, FTP, e-mail and chat)
6,265,834 bytes
January 28th, 2004:
  • Comprar un ordenador (To buy a computer)
  • Elegir un Sistema Operativo (To choose an Operating System)
  • G.U.Li.C. (Grupo de Usuarios de Linux de Canarias) (The G.U.Li.C. - Canary Islands Linux Users Group)
  • La informática en la astrofísica (Informatics in astrophysics)
8,281,024 bytes
February 4th, 2004:
Los virus (Viruses)
7,237,380 bytes
February 11th, 2004:
Dudas de los oyentes (Listener's questions)
  • Diferencia entre reiniciar y formatear (Differences between rebooting and formatting)
  • El "botonazo" (Switching off a computer without closing it correctly)
  • ¿Ordenador nuevo o comprar piezas sueltas? (A new computer or buying components?)
  • Windows XP
  • El ventilador (The fan)
  • Utilizar muchos puertos (Using a lot of ports)
10,214,294 bytes
February 18th, 2004:
  • Nombres de dominio (Domain names)
  • Weblogs (Bitácoras)
5,714,128 bytes
February 25th, 2004:
  • Compresores de archivos (File compressors)
  • Estilos en los procesadores de texto (Styles in word processors)
2,894,017 bytes

Entries in the diary at Libertonia (spanish)

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<RegEx> But damn!, the good point about Free Software is that people cares about standards.

Valid HTML 4.01! Debian Apache Slice vim Envite, Tacoronte, $Date: 2004/03/10 11:50:28 $.
$Revision: 1.31 $.